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Welcome to Reception. Please meet our lovely teachers: 

Miss West
Miss Broad


Mrs Fowler
Mrs Fowler



Tapestry Online Learning Journal


Please stay in contact with us using Tapestry to upload learning done at home!  Tapestry is an online platform where you can view snapshots of your child’s learning in school and also contribute from home.  If you have any difficulties accessing it once log ins and information have been sent out, please get in touch.



The early years team at BPS pride themselves on developing good relationships with all children and their families. 

We want our children to feel safe and happy in school, so they are able to learn and flourish. Every child’s individual needs are recognised and met to support them reaching their full potential.  

We value everyone’s unique character and qualities. We encourage all children to be kind, respectful, responsible and independent.  


We build resilience and curiosity by providing exciting activities to promote all areas of learning. 

We value all learning.  This may be through play, focused activities, interactions with others or short, formal episodes.  

We start from where the children are, identifying strengths and how best to support their development.  

Our topics are reflective of the knowledge and vocabulary that our children need, and are the building blocks for the National Curriculum.  


Our children are happy, resilient individuals who are ready to move into year one and beyond. They have a willingness to learn and relate well to one another.   

What we will be learning across the curriculum

Reading – Through Read, Write Inc. session your child reads a guided reading sheet 3-4 times a week with an adult in school.  The repetition of reading the same sheet several times, allows the children to develop fluency and automatic recognition of the included words.  Please practise these sounds with your child, as they learn them.  More information on this is available in the curriculum area of the website.

Writing – Children are being encouraged to think carefully about the sounds in words that they are attempting to write. During this term we expect children to begin to form letters correctly, alongside the sounds they are learning.  In no time, they will be able to write simple words!

Maths – We focus on counting accurately and consistent number recognition to 10.

Home Learning

Home Learning ideas – Encourage independence: Encourage your child to start getting dressed by themselves or enter the classroom without you. Celebrate what your child does at home… anything from brushing their teeth by themselves, to challenging themselves to do something new.

READING – It is important that your child reads regularly.  Please do all you can to encourage and read with them, enjoying a wide range of books together.

General information

  • Book Bags – Hard copies of letters are placed inside book bags, so please check them regularly. If your child does not have a book bag, letters will be paced in their tray. 
  • Drinks and Fruit – Children have access to water throughout the day and fresh fruit at breaktime.
  • Lunches – If your child has a packed lunch, please ensure it contains healthy options. We are nut-free school, so please ensure your child’s lunch does not contain any foods that contain nuts, including chocolate spread.
  • PE – Please ensure your child has their coloured t-shirt and shorts in school. Please make sure that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled to help with identification. Children can come into school in their PE Kit on their given day.
  • Reading books – Please ensure your child’s reading book is in their book bag and bought to school every day. 
  • SUN SAFETY– Please send your child to school with a sun hat, we spend a lot of time outside and we want to protect your children from the sun. Please also apply sun cream before they come to school for added protection.

Please remind your child to bring a coat every day in the winter months.

Please click on the useful links below for extra information about Reception