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School Council

Our School Council includes children from every class from Year 2 to Year 6. At the start of the year we had a whole school BIG VOTE to elect the new school councillors.

The School Council created their own School Council Charter which reflected the way they wanted to conduct themselves and support the school’s development. The Council chose Article 12 from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to base their Charter upon:

Article 12: All children have a right to be able to give their opinion when adults are making a decision that will affect them, and adults should take it seriously.

The purpose of the Council is to give children a real and resonating voice. School Councillors consult with their class on a half termly basis (after each School Council meeting) to seek opinion, discuss ideas and listen to class ideas. The staff representative and the Chair meet prior to each meeting to write the agenda.

School Councillors for 2024-2025 are:

Allington: Immy

Chilcombe: Ellison

Shipton: Ariana

Eggardon: Evelyn

Colmers: Finlay

Lewesdon: Amelie

Langdon: Harley

RRS ambassadors:


The School Council helps to make sure that other children use the agreed School Charter.

School Council Notice Board