At Bridport Primary School we insist on the wearing of school uniform. We believe that not only does a uniform look smart, but it also provides a sense of equality and belonging. It is important that all times are clearly labelled with your child’s name. The school cannot be held responsible for any lost property. The school uniform is as follows:
- Bottle-green sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan
- White polo shirt
- Grey or black trousers/tunic/skirt
- Green/white checked summer dress
- Grey or white socks or tights
- Appropriate, black flat shoes.
- Hats are encouraged (warm hats in winter and caps/ sun hats in summer) but these will not be worn in the school building.
Trainer style black shoes may be worn: these are also practical for activities such as the daily mile and playtimes.
Although we have branded school uniform, you are welcome to purchase items from alternative suppliers that fits with our policy. Second-hand uniform is available to purchase from our Friends of Bridport Primary School organisation.
P.E kit
This should be worn on PE days
The PE kit is as follows:
- Dark (plain) shorts/ joggers/leggings
- Red, yellow, blue or green t-shirt (colour allocated on admission to school) OR a plain, white t-shirt
- Spare pair of white socks
- Plimsolls/trainers for outdoor PE
- School hoodie or sweatshirt
- Named PE bag
Please note: stud earrings, watches, religious necklaces may be worn, though this should not be the case on PE days. If children are unable to remove earrings, they must be taped up to avoid injury.
Additional information
- Neutral nail varnish is permitted. No make-up.
- Hair dye should be kept for special events and occasions.
- Prescription sunglasses only are permitted.
- The school has all the resources needed for day-to-day work. Children may bring pencil cases for topic work.
School Uniform Supplier