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Year 5 & 6- Colmers, Lewesdon & Langdon Classes



Mrs Simier
Ms Baines
Miss Bartlett Mrs Simier Ms Baines

 Welcome to Years 5 & 6!

Please look at our Knowledge Organisers to find out what the children are learning!

Reading - In reading lessons, we will be continuing to read and explore a variety of texts. We will be looking at a range of question types which will require children to use their retrieval, interpretation and explanation skills. We will be thinking carefully about authors' choice of language and layouts.

Learning Top Tip – If you have a multiple choice question, use process of elimination to help you solve it.

Maths - In maths we will continue to practise applying our number skills to more complex reasoning problems, focusing on fractions, decimals, percentage, ratio and proportion. Our weekly focus on arithmetic will continue and we have our daily fluency sessions. Keep practising your times tables to help you speed up when calculating!

Learning Top Tip from Mrs Le Gassick: Remember to STOP AND THINK when you see a complex problem. Use what you know!

Grammar – We will further develop our knowledge and understanding of SPaG terminology. We will continue working on applying our spelling, punctuation and grammar skills to our extended pieces of writing.

Writing… In English, we will be focusing on how to write information texts before moving on to a fiction unit. A regular focus on spelling and handwriting will continue - we will work on the rest of the RWI spelling patterns before revisiting the Year 5/6 spelling words (these are the ones you received along with your child’s report at the end of last term).

Learning Top Tip from Mrs Sims: Try to use a range of punctuation in your writing; show off what you can do!

General Information

PE: Children can come into school in their PE Kit on their given day.

Please make sure that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled.  Please include joggers and a sweatshirt for outdoor PE and a spare pair of socks. Roll on deodorant is also permitted (no spray deodorant please!) PE is a compulsory part of the curriculum. In encouraging the children to take greater responsibility for themselves, and in getting them prepared for secondary school – if your child does not have their PE kit in school when we have sport, they will complete an activity related to their learning in a class in school. Please support your child in having their kit ready and in school.

Please let the school and the teacher know if your child has any allergies (that we do not already know about) or needs to take any medication.

Please remind your child to bring a coat every day in the winter months.

Please click on the useful links below for extra information

The Year 5 Collection of useful websites